Autor des Abschnitts: Sebastian Jentschke

jamovi File Format (.omv)

.omv-files are ZIP-archives that contain a number of files.

  • meta (newer versions, > 1.8) / META-INF/MANIFEST.MF (older versions)
  • metadata.json
  • xdata.json
  • data.bin
  • strings.bin (optional: if an variable with the measureType = ID and the dataType = Text exist in the data set)
  • index.html
  • (optional: if analyses were conducted and are stored in the .omv-file, there are subfolders, one for each analysis, containing, e.g., figures and the syntax for the analysis)

The metadata.json-file is the most useful starting point when trying to decode .omv-files, at least if one is interested in, e.g., importing the data. The package jmvReadWrite on CRAN can be used to read or write .omv-files in R.

However, sometimes, one is only interested in having a brief look at results. In such case, it is sufficient to extract the .omv-file (typically with right-clicking and choosing „Extract…“). Afterwards, just go into the folder that was extracted and click on index.html.


The manifest-file (meta since version 1.6, META-INF/MANIFEST.MF in earlier versions of jamovi) contains four lines defining what version of the data and the jamovi archive were used to create the .omv-file. An example of the content is shown below.

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Data-Archive-Version: 1.0.2
jamovi-Archive-Version: 11.0
Created-By: jamovi


The file is stored in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) which is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is quite similar to YAML (but unfortunately a little less easy to read). However, there are several packages that permit to import or export JSON, e.g., rjson inside R. Inside the metadata.json-file, the name of the top level hierarchy is dataSet. This top-level hierarchy contains the following branches:

  • rowCount: number of rows in the data set
  • columnCount: number of rows in the data set
  • removedRows: positions where rows were removed (default: empty)
    there can be several lists with pairs of index and count under removedRows (if rows were removed at different positions in the data file)
    • index: line where lines where removed (after this line)
    • count: number of removed lines
  • addedRows: positions where rows were added (default: empty)
    there can be several lists with pairs of start and end under addedRows (if new rows were added at several positions in the data file)
    • start: line from where lines where removed (after this line)
    • end: line from where lines where removed (up to this line)
  • fields: contains description for every data column (one field per each column)
    • name: column name
    • id: column id (numerical; unique column number)
    • columnType: content that is contained in the column
      Data (default), Computed, Recoded, Filter
    • dataType: type of data contained in the column
      Integer (default), Decimal, Text
    • measureType: scale level of the data in the column
      ID, Nominal (default), Ordinal, Continuous, None
    • formula (for Computed Variables): formula used for calculations or filters (default: „“)
    • formulaMessage: error message for malformed formulas (default: „“)
    • parentId: ID of the parent object (default: 0)
    • width: column width in the jamovi data editor (default: 100)
    • type: variable class used to store the data in the binary file
      integer: 4 byte per cell, data type: long integer
      number: 8 byte per cell, data type: double
      string: C-style zero-terminated character strings
      generally are data read from data.bin with text data stored as integer and the text containedas variable levels contained in xdata.json; there is one exception, though, which is if an variable with the measureType = ID is a text variable
    • importName: name of the column when it was originally imported
      (default: same as „name“; „“ if created new)
    • description: variable description / label (default: „“)
    • transform: for transformed variables?
    • edits: marks which rows in the table where edited (can contain several ranges as those listed below)
      start (row)
      end (row)
    • missingValues: contains a list with strings containing which values are defined as missing values (default: empty); an entry could look like „== ‚0‘“ defining the ‚0‘ as a missing value; there can be several such entries if more than one value is defined as indicating a missing value
    • trimValues: TRUE / FALSE (retain unused levels – trimValues``: T doesn’t retain them)
    • filterNo (only columnType Filter): unique ID for the filter
    • active (only columnType Filter): TRUE / FALSE (filter active)
  • transforms: contains a description for every transformation rule (those rules can be applied to several columns)
    • name: name of the transformation rule (e.g., „Transform 1“)
    • id: transformation id (numerical; unique number for the transformation)
    • suffix: ? (default: „“)
    • formula: formula for the transformation (e.g., „MATCH($source, ‚VC‘, ‚OJ‘)“)
    • formulaMessage: error message if the calculation of the transformation failed
    • measureType: scale level of the transformation
      ID, Nominal, Ordinal, Continuous, None (default)
    • description: variable description / label (default: „“)


This file also uses JSON-format. It contains value-label-combinations. Each variable containing variable labels has an entry with the name of the variable as a branch name. This branch then contains the entries for the labels.

  • variable name: variable name, matches a column name in the data frame
    • labels: contains a list with three values for each value labels
      (e.g., [1, ‚Females‘, ‚Females‘]); there is one entry for each value-label-comination (i.e, there likely would be a second entry with, e.g. [2, ‚Males‘, ‚Males‘])


This file contains the data matrix that you can see in your jamovi-spreadsheet stored as binary data. Data are organized as columns. The arrangement of columns follows the order of the fields in metadata.json (the value of name of the field is the column name).

In order to read data from the binary file, one needs to iterate through each column, determine as as which variable type the data are stored: integer (long, 4 byte) or numeric (double, 8 bytes), and then to read the data from the column by repeating reading the number of rows (rowCount). Often the functions to read binary data let you give the number of occurences so that you can read a column at once.

if        (mtaDta$dataSet$fields[[i]]$type == 'integer') {
    colRaw = readBin(binHdl, integer(), n = rowNum)
} else if (mtaDta$dataSet$fields[[i]]$type == 'number') {
    colRaw = readBin(binHdl,  double(), n = rowNum)
} else if (mtaDta$dataSet$fields[[i]]$type == 'string') {
    colRaw =, character(), n = rowNum))
                           readBin(binHdl,   integer(), n = rowNum)

The R-code above demonstrates the steps during reading: i counts over the columns, and determines from the type of each field of the dataSet contained in metadata.json (here assigned to the variable mtaDta) what type (either integer() or double() has to be read. n = permits to define the number of repetitions (how many cells). It is set to rowNum (which contains the value of rowCount).

The condition where type is string is a very special one and happens rarely. One has in this case to read the C-style zero-terminated character strings from the strings.bin-file and at the same time has to discard the respective column (containing integer()-values) from the data.bin-file.


As mentioned above, the index.html can be obtained from extracting the .omv-file of interest and the opening it in a browser. This should match the output that you can see in the right-hand panel with the results in jamovi. There might be tiny differences though (e.g., comments that you can create with jamovi [version 1.4 or above] might not show, etc.). Remember that you have to extract all files (not only index.html) if you want to see the figures as well.