Section author: Ravi Selker, Jonathon Love, Damian Dropmann

Independent Samples T-Test (ttestIS)


The Student’s Independent samples t-test (sometimes called a two-samples t-test) is used to test the null hypothesis that two groups have the same mean. A low p-value suggests that the null hypothesis is not true, and therefore the group means are different.


  students = TRUE,
  bf = FALSE,
  bfPrior = 0.707,
  welchs = FALSE,
  mann = FALSE,
  hypothesis = "different",
  norm = FALSE,
  qq = FALSE,
  eqv = FALSE,
  meanDiff = FALSE,
  ci = FALSE,
  ciWidth = 95,
  effectSize = FALSE,
  ciES = FALSE,
  ciWidthES = 95,
  desc = FALSE,
  plots = FALSE,
  miss = "perAnalysis",


data the data as a data frame
vars the dependent variables (not necessary when using a formula, see the examples)
group the grouping variable with two levels (not necessary when using a formula, see the examples)
students TRUE (default) or FALSE, perform Student’s t-tests
bf TRUE or FALSE (default), provide Bayes factors
bfPrior a number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculating Bayes factors
welchs TRUE or FALSE (default), perform Welch’s t-tests
mann TRUE or FALSE (default), perform Mann-Whitney U tests
hypothesis 'different' (default), 'oneGreater' or 'twoGreater', the alternative hypothesis; group 1 different to group 2, group 1 greater than group 2, and group 2 greater than group 1 respectively
norm TRUE or FALSE (default), perform Shapiro-Wilk tests of normality
qq TRUE or FALSE (default), provide Q-Q plots of residuals
eqv TRUE or FALSE (default), perform Levene’s tests for homogeneity of variances
meanDiff TRUE or FALSE (default), provide means and standard errors
ci TRUE or FALSE (default), provide confidence intervals
ciWidth a number between 50 and 99.9 (default: 95), the width of confidence intervals
effectSize TRUE or FALSE (default), provide effect sizes
ciES TRUE or FALSE (default), provide confidence intervals for the effect-sizes
ciWidthES a number between 50 and 99.9 (default: 95), the width of confidence intervals for the effect sizes
desc TRUE or FALSE (default), provide descriptive statistics
plots TRUE or FALSE (default), provide descriptive plots
miss 'perAnalysis' or 'listwise', how to handle missing values; 'perAnalysis' excludes missing values for individual dependent variables, 'listwise' excludes a row from all analyses if one of its entries is missing.
formula (optional) the formula to use, see the examples


The Student’s independent t-test assumes that the data from each group are from a normal distribution, and that the variances of these groups are equal. If unwilling to assume the groups have equal variances, the Welch’s t-test can be used in it’s place. If one is additionally unwilling to assume the data from each group are from a normal distribution, the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test can be used instead (however, note that the Mann-Whitney U test has a slightly different null hypothesis; that the distributions of each group are equal).


A results object containing:

results$ttest a table containing the t-test results
results$assum$norm a table containing the normality tests
results$assum$eqv a table containing the homogeneity of variances tests
results$desc a table containing the group descriptives
results$plots an array of groups of plots

Tables can be converted to data frames with asDF or For example:




ttestIS(formula = len ~ supp, data = ToothGrowth)

#  Independent Samples T-Test
#  ----------------------------------------------------
#                          statistic    df      p
#  ----------------------------------------------------
#    len    Student's t         1.92    58.0    0.060
#  ----------------------------------------------------